Pilot Cutter Kristina
Seite 1

My first model of a sailing ship

In the model ship magazine "Schiffs Modellbau" I found an advertising  for the techincal drawing of the pilot cutter bundeled with the book "RC-Segelmodelle" written by Borek Dvorak and Bernhard Reimann. After the completion of two models based on construction kits this model seemed to be the right defiance for me.

Die ersten Spanten The  foto beside depicts the first spants blueprinted onto plywood.

After the fabrication of keel, bow and stern it was possible to compile the skeleton of the hull for the first time as visible on the picture beside ... Spanten auf dem Rückgrad

Manufacturing the rudder a rack marked the next steps of the errection.

Spantengerüst von vorn Spantengerüst, Seitenansicht

The following fotos show the hull manufactured by Borek Dvorak. It is a really work of art.

Dorian Gray von vorn Dorian Gray von hinten Deck des Dorian

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Seraphin Software Development e-Mail: helmut@HelmutEss.de
Stand: 10.01.2014